CleanSkins Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea is a skin condition, not a skin type.

It is categorised by Over Angiogenesis (the over production of capillaries) and thinning of the epidermal tissues.  Gut health is a contributing factor with up to 50% of  rosacea suffered having Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).  Traditionally SIBO is treated with antibiotics, however like Mose mediating they do not fix the cause purely the symptoms. SIBO is often tied with gluten sensitivity.  We refer all of our rosacea clients to an Integrated Health Professional who specialises in rosacea so that they can address the condition from a truely holistic approach.

Rosacea is linked to enzyme activity and the constant inflammation cascade.  A normal functioning skin has enzyme actions that turn on and off as needed.  A rosacea skin doesn't turn off.  It is often triggered by any topical interference.  Touch, heat and friction can be enough to trigger an inflammation.  Stress, sun exposure, high and low humidity are all contributing factors.  Rosacea is often misdiagnosed, not all redness is rosacea!  Different caring grades of rosacea often require a different approach in helping reduce symptoms.  The most essential element of caring for rosacea effected skin is doing everything possible to maintain a health skin barrier and a balanced enzyme activity.